Mitch Schneider, Author at TechShop Magazine - Page 5 of 6
Mitch’s World: ‘But, Daddy… I Swear I Wasn’t Speeding’

It must have been quite a sight — me sitting behind the counter staring at the computer screen, looking at the digital images, shaking my head in disbelief. After all, it isn’t every day you see a fairly late-model vehicle with the entire bottom of the undercarriage torn away. But, then again, I knew it

Mitch’s World: Serving Up a Well-Balanced Parts Order

One of the most colorful threads woven through the fabric of my early life growing up in Brooklyn was going for Chinese food on special weekends with the family. No matter how ordinary a second look at the same restaurant with adult eyes might seem today, as a child these exotic destinations were always a

Mitch’s World: Serving Up a Well-Balanced Parts Order

One of the most colorful threads woven through the fabric of my early life growing up in Brooklyn was going for Chinese food on special weekends with the family. No matter how ordinary a second look at the same restaurant with adult eyes might seem today, as a child these exotic destinations were always a

Mitch’s World: Magic Beans. . .A Fairy Tale Adventure with Everyday Applications

What could I possibly have in common with Jack, as in the Jack of “Jack and the Beanstalk” fame? Not much, you would think. But, we actually have something very basic in common. We both planted something in the ground with almost no idea of what the result might be. Sure, Jack knew he had

Mitch’s World: Magic Beans. . . A Fairy Tale Adventure with Everyday Applications

What could I possibly have in common with Jack, as in the Jack of “Jack and the Beanstalk” fame? Not much, you would think. But, we actually have something very basic in common. We both planted something in the ground with almost no idea of what the result might be. Sure, Jack knew he had

Mitch’s World: We Should be Busy Fixing Our Industry

I suppose there are a lot of things I just shouldn’t let bother me at this stage of my life. Especially, since most are things over which I realize I have little or no control. Nevertheless, there are times when some of those things tumble around in my head like the numbered balls in a

Mitch’s World: Arrested Development

Demand What You’re Worth, Rather Than Accept What You’re Offered I suppose there are a lot of things I just shouldn’t let bother me at this stage of my life. Especially, since most are things over which I realize I have little or no control. Nevertheless, there are times when some of those things tumble

Mitch’s World: Wrangling in a Herd of Repair Estimate Issues

I’m sitting at my desk at home watching the greedy hand of darkness grab for the last few remaining moments of daylight. It’s not an unfamiliar ritual. In fact, it happens with frightening regularity. I finish up at the shop, head home, have dinner and talk about the day with my wife. By the time

Mitch’s World: Wrangling in a Herd of Repair Estimate Issues

I’m sitting at my desk at home watching the greedy hand of darkness grab for the last few remaining moments of daylight. It’s not an unfamiliar ritual. In fact, it happens with frightening regularity. I finish up at the shop, head home, have dinner and talk about the day with my wife. By the time

Mitch’s World: It’s Late and I’m Tired

When The Day’s Events Take Their Toll I’m sitting at my desk at home watching the greedy hand of darkness grab for the last few remaining moments of daylight. It’s not an unfamiliar ritual. In fact, it happens with frightening regularity. I finish up at the shop, head home, have dinner and talk about the