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Temperature Control Essentials: Pinpointing the Causes of Cooling System Failures

Managing heat is definitely a hot job these days. The cooling systems in most late-model import passenger cars have been downsized to reduce weight and bulk. At the same time, most new cars and trucks are now factory equipped with air conditioning, which puts an added strain on the cooling system’s ability to manage heat.

Built-In Brains: Engine Analyzers Combine the Capabilities of Many Diagnostic Tools into One

When most people think of an engine analyzer, they think of a big box console with automated test capabilities that can detect a wide variety of faults. There are still some machines like these today, but many of the features of a traditional engine analyzer are now available in top-of-the-line scan tools. An engine analyzer

The Top 5 Favorite Tools of Top Technicians

Chris Ringold, shop foreman Flint Bottom Auto Sales Burlington, IA Mac Mentor – Generic OBD II and Repair Trac are invaluable. ALLDATA – If Repair Trac doesn’t cover it, ALLDATA does. MechanixWear Fast Fit Gloves – Great protection and workability! Chilton Labor Guide and CD-ROM – Fast and effective for all estimates. Mini Maglite –

Technician Health and Safety: The Most Important Tool You’ll Ever Own

The life of an automobile technician is filled with many short- and long-term health hazards. The health offenses that I can recall throughout my career include: cuts to the hands, arms and face; burns on my hands and arms; flying debris in my eye; squirting fluid in my eye; breathing car-generated dust; breathing excess car

Spotting Problems with a Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer

Being able to measure temperature variances can play an important roll in diagnosing vehicle maladies for both undercar and underhood technicians. This can be easily accomplished by using a non-contact infrared thermometer. With this tool, technicians simply point the thermometer at the area of concern and they are immediately provided with the temperature of the

Loaded Brake Calipers: Can They Boost Productivity?

Some technicians like loaded calipers because everything they need comes in one box. They don’t have to worry about mismatched parts from different suppliers and the complete assemblies are quick and easy to install. Most importantly, they see fewer comebacks because of brake noise or other problems. Loaded calipers do provide a variety of benefits

Bleed and Flush Pointers

es overlap on the same job. Bleeding the system is done to remove all air from the hydraulic system, while flushing is performed to replace the fluid. More and more shops are performing a variety of fluid flush services as a method of increasing shop income. Generally, shops purchase a specialized flush machine for each

ABS Bleeding Service Pointers Help Complete the Job Right the First Time

Honda Honda has a well-deserved reputation for overall vehicle reliability, which extends to the ABS system. For the most part, bleeding the system will present no unusual problems. Caution: A word of warning when working around the accumulator and modulator assembly. The brake fluid is under thousands of pounds of pressure (3,625-5,075 psi). Be sure

Power Steering Repair

A long time ago in a garage far away a young technician was seeking a repair of a steering system. He found there are a lot of things that can go wrong with a rack and pinion steering gear. The steering wheel vibrates at speeds above 45 miles per hour; the steering wheel doesn’t return

Marketing Mufflers: Muffler Replacements Are a Fast, Easy Way to Improve Your Shop’s Bottom Line

Have muffler inspections become a low-priority undercar service in your shop? With the introduction of stainless-steel exhaust systems into the import market, it’s easy to forget that muffler and related exhaust parts sales are still a lucrative service that can enhance any profit and loss statement. Muffler replacements can be profitable at any skill or

Basic Brake Hydraulics: Classic Symptoms of a Failing Master Cylinder

Anyone who works on brakes should be familiar with basic hydraulics and the various components that make up the hydraulic portion of the brake system. So if you’re not as familiar with this subject as you should be, keep reading and we’ll refresh your memory. We’ll start at the heart of the system, which is

Servicing Mazda Electrical Systems: Starting and Charging Diagnostics

While it sounds obvious, the battery is often overlooked when dealing with an electrical problem. Actually, the battery should be more of a maintenance item than a repair issue. I have to think by now all successful import specialist shops are relying on maintenance work to keep their bays profitable. Checking and servicing the battery