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Tech Talk: Get Your Bearings

Have you ever heard the phrase “old wives’ tales”? My father used it all the time whenever something didn’t seem to make sense to him for the moment. For instance, most everyone knows these: “Don’t cross your eyes or they’ll stay that way” and “feed a cold, starve a fever.” Like I said, they’re “old

Foreign Affairs: Getting Nissan Engines Back to Peak Performance

/Articles/06_01_2007/60754gif_00000014067.gif” width=”156″ height=”146″ alt=”” border=”0″ align=”right” /> In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the common problems that affect engine performance. With on-board diagnostics (OBD), many of these problems will cause a check engine lamp (CEL) and store a code. With most of us becoming comfortable and proficient while working with OBD

Emissions Analyzers: What is Really Going On Inside that Engine?

An emissions analyzer is one of the most useful pieces of diagnostic equipment you can own. Scan tools are great for reading fault codes and sensor data, but a scan tool by itself can’t tell you what is actually going on inside the engine’s combustion chambers. A scan tool can read misfires and tell you

Technicians’ Top 5 Favorite Tools & Equipment

Roy Larson, president Beyer Motor Works Inc., BMW/Mercedes driveline experts Chandler, AZ and Member: BIMRS, Bimmer Tech Group, Mini Tech Group, BMW CCA, ASA, APRA, BBB My 5 favorite tools are: Streamlight Stylus Reach — This pocket flashlight puts the light where I need it, making it ideal to inspect brake pads and

Use Vacutec’s EVAPro to Troubleshoot Cause of Lit Check Engine Light

Using non-toxic smoke, inert gas and fluorescent dye, Vacutec’s EVAPro can pinpoint the source of the three leading OBD II DTCs in vehicles under 75,000 miles. The top three codes are: PO171 (system too lean), P1443 (EVAP control valve failure) and PO455 (gross EVAP leak).

Tech Tip: Understanding Vehicle Electrical Systems Begins and Ends with the Alternator

The alternator’s job has definitely become more complex during the past decade. Years ago, the typical import vehicle could live very happily with 40 amps of electrical current, which was enough to power the ignition, fuel and lighting systems. Today, that threshold is rapidly advancing toward 100 amps of current.

ACDelco WISE 3.0 Allows Shops More Flexibility and Customization

ACDelco, in its continuing effort to help shop owners become more flexible and efficient, now offers a new version of its Web Integrated Service Environment (WISE) e-Business solution. WISE 3.0 is a PC-based system that links Independent Service Centers and ACDelco Warehouse Distributors to help streamline ordering, distribution and service processes.

The 10 Commandments for Selling Shocks and Struts

The first step in selling ride control is the inspection process. A visual inspection of the shocks and struts can tell you a lot about the state of the ride control units. This is a chance to make sure the vehicle is road-worthy before you put your own life at risk. Also, always make sure that there is enough gas in the tank.

Tech Tip: MIL Illuminated, System Lean in Ford/Lincoln/Mercury Vehicles

This article is intended to aid in diagnosing DTCs P0171, P0174, P1130, P1131, P1150, P1151, P2195 or P2197 (system lean or lack of HEGO switches) when a vacuum leak is present. HEGO sensors, MAF sensors and PCM replacements are not an effective repair when a vacuum leak is causing the above DTCs.

Tech Tip: Volkswagen Instrument Cluster Malfunction

Instrument cluster malfunctioning on affected vehicles may be caused by a poor connection between the instrument cluster and the wiring harness due to poor wiring-to-terminal crimping or improper terminal tension.