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Salem on Service: Handling the Damage in the Shop

Mrs. Smith’s car is being backed out of the bay after an oil change and Joe, the driver and tech, hits the wall with the car. The wall is fine, but the same cannot be said for Mrs. Smith’s car. I would never suggest that my way is the only way, but here is how

Understanding Today’s Multi-Coil Ignition Systems

Distributorless Ignition Systems (DIS) have been around for more than two decades, but in recent years the trend has been to multi-coil systems such as Coil On Plug (COP) or Coil Per Cylinder (CPC) ignition systems, and Coil Near Plug (CNP) ignition systems. COP systems have become the hot setup for a number of packaging,

Honda Timing Belt Replacement

Paying Attention to Detail Makes the Job Go Smoother

Driveability Series: Ford Water Pumps

An owner of a Ford vehicle is at your shop to have an oil and filter change. During the service, you notice a little coolant is leaking from the vehicle’s water pump. So, do you replace the pump or is a little coolant dripping normal? Well, the answer depends on how much coolant the pump

Sensing an Emissions Problem

Oxygen sensors are a product that have been around for more than 20 years, yet most motorists don’t even know they have one or more of these devices on their vehicle – let alone what it does. The only time customers even become aware of oxygen sensor existence is if they get a Check Engine

‘Court’-ing Disaster

I just returned to the shop after what felt like the longest three hours of my life. I spent the afternoon in Small Claims Court, and while fascinating — the same kind of fascination that won’t allow you to look away when trains collide, planes fall out of the sky or fast-moving brush fires head

Analyzing Ignition Misfires and Plotting a Diagnostic Course

Uh oh. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is on, and you’ve just found a misfire code. It’s a code P0304, which tells you cylinder number four is misfiring. There are no other codes and the engine has a steady miss. Now what? Misfire diagnosis in this kind of situation should be fairly easy. You have

Cooling Off: Cooling System Parts and Service

Cooling system service is an absolute “must-do” on any import nameplate. Once a cooling system suffers long-term neglect, it turns into an on-going source of problems for the owner and his servicing technician because, when corrosion starts to take place, the effects can’t be reversed. For that single reason, it’s important to sell your customers